LHC Holiday Dinner Party
Wed., December 5, 2018
6:00 - 10:00 pm
Get your selection to Gary Steer so you can party on at...
Catta Verdera County Club
Dinner, Music and Dancing
Entree Choices
1. Creamy Pesto Penne Pasta* $30
Sun dried tomatoes, basil, artichoke hearts and sauteed mushrooms
2. Slow Cooked Tri-Tip* $37
Red wine demi-glaze
3. Grilled Chicken Breast with Pomegranate-Orange Glaze* $32
>>> Cash Bar, and $10 Corkage fee for your wine bottle <<<
>>> Soda, Water, Tea and Coffee are complimentary <<<
>>> Coffee Station with Desert <<<
* Entrees include chefs choice of accompaniments, Caesar Salad, Rolls and Desert
** Make your selection(s) and a check payable to "LINCOLN HILLS CYCLIST"
*** Send to Gary Steer, 504 Oriole Ct., Lincoln, CA 95648, by November 20
... and be careful out there... Fred Higgins
Bill, I can now leave a comment, it appears. Tom