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A worthy cause

Diane McL

I have ridden in the Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Waves to Wine ride since 2010. In 2009 my best friend since 6th grade was diagnosed with MS, that same year I was diagnosed with breast cancer. We both have our own battles to win, we fight the MS battle together and it makes us stronger.

This year Waves to Wine is virtual, no big celebration or two day ride but we are still raising awareness of this devastating disease and raising funds for the cure.

We all have our own worthy cause, a disease that we want to fight, a group of people we want to help. I believe that helping others to have lives that are healthier - better - makes us all happier, better and stronger.

If you would like to support my fundraising efforts here is the link.

I appreciate anything you choose to do, from increasing awareness, praying for a cure and, of course, making a donation.

Take good care,


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